Once upon a time…

This week I started my writing course with some warm-up exercises around genre and voice. Capitalising on my enthusiasm to get started I submitted the first two assessments in quick succession knowing that as the course progresses, and the assignments become longer, my pace will slow. My novel proposal was due alongside my assessments and so I faced the first big decision. I have two ideas to choose from (a lovely position to be in) which are very different stories. In some ways that made my choice easier as I won’t be tempted to try and fit them together. Whichever I went with I knew I just needed to commit to it so sat down and mapped out both with the details had. That made it easier. Both ideas are now in my notebook and so are on the metaphorical compost heap, nothing is being wasted. In the end, I proposed the idea that just won’t leave me alone.

Next came the feedback from my assessments. I’ll confess to you (she said in a conspiratorial whisper…) that yet again I failed to practice what I preach and went straight to the marks at the end. It really is a character flaw of mine isn’t it? This need to know if I’m ‘good enough’. Part of the reason I write this blog is to call myself out on that and start to work through it. Anyway, I have digressed… Once that was out of my system I went back and read the feedback. It was very detailed and gave me different ways to think about and approach writing as I continue to find my voice.

So that brings us to the exciting part. Beginning my novel. The next few weeks will be dedicated to developing my character outlines and getting to know them. This really is the foundation for the next eighteen months and investing the time to work up the detail around this cast of characters will help me as I go on. Learning is something I enjoy doing and at the moment I'm learning a whole new set new set of skills. I keep reminding myself it will feel challenging and uncomfortable at times. It is a process.

The scale of this does at times feel a little overwhelming. Especially as I don’t have any actual words on the page yet. However, to paraphrase the magnificent Sir Terry Practchett, I don’t need to be able to see the whole path through the misty valley, just the next tree.

I think I need to give this project a code name. I’ll call it Project Pearl.

Image credit Daniel Kainz


Warming up and working out


Pearls of Potential