I do believe it is time for a new adventure…

A blank page is a scary thing. All that space, infinite possibilities and the chance to start a new story. I’m told that if doesn't scare you just a little then it doesn't help you grow. So onwards to adventure.

As 2022 drew to a close I felt flat. Listless and unmotivated. My children getting older and, other than requiring my services as a housekeeper and chauffeur, becoming more independent meaning I finally had time for myself. After the frenetic pace of the pandemic years I knew I now needed to slow down. I needed a project, something creative to feed my soul and energise me. Having briefly considered learning to paint or play guitar (and realising they were not among my talents) I settled on an activity which has appeared on many of my lesson plans over the years. A daily 5 minute writing session. Writing, after all, was a childhood passion encouraged by a love of reading and access to a multiverse of stories. Now it was time to find out if that passion still existed and let the words flow. It was exciting and daunting in equal measure.

So on the 1st of January 2023 I sat at the kitchen table armed with my new fountain pen and leather bound journal (which by happy coincidence had provided an opportunity to indulge my enthusiasm for shopping) and set my timer.

Unscrewing the lid from her aqua pen she paused, hand hovering over the page for a moment before she made the first stroke. Not halting and hesitant but definite and certain. Yes, she thought, it is indeed time for a new adventure.

I discovered that I clearly still enjoyed a little drama! Over the days and months since then my daily entries have covered many topics. Pouring my interests, musings and emotions out onto the page has offered a space to think and reflect. Fragments of plot points and outlines of characters began to emerge and with them a little voice that insisted these stories be told. Slowly my focus has shifted and evolved to a desire to reimagine my childhood dream of being a storyteller and becoming a writer. This blog will be my attempt to capture the experience as it unfolds. I hope you will stick around and see how this chapter ends.


The tale of mice on a roller coaster…